Projects that could change the face of London


  1. Norman Foster: The cycling utopia above London: World famous architect Norman Foster, (Responsible for the design of the North Greenwich interchange, is now taking his architecture to cyclists. He hopes to build a cycling network built above London’s railway networks. It will contain 200 points of entry dotted all around the city and will hold 220km of designated cycle lanes. His idea behind this is that it will increase the quality of life for people living in the capital, it will encourage a more healthy and active lifestyle, it will prevent people from quitting cycling due to the dangers on the road, it is more economically sensible to build this than to add additional roads to the city, and it is a more efficient use of space.

2. SURE Architecture: The Endless City: The idea that the 300 metre skyscraper will be built; it will accommodate residential communities, schools, businesses, shopping areas, huge parks, and public plazas. It will house it’s very own eco-system. “London’s streets can now be developed both horizontally and vertically in a continuous way” explained the team “There is no break anymore, neither between the street level and the skyscraper, nor between the skyscraper floors themselves”. The designers felt that many skyscrapers lacked continuity but the idea behind the endless city is that the 2 ramps winding up around the exterior, linked with bridges, would be supported by six huge steel tubes, which would also enclose the staircases and lifts used to transport people, energy, waste and water both up and down the building.


Conceptual skyscraper designed for London could house its own metropolis

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